
Friday 23 March 2012

Navajo Lands

Road Trip Day Six

We left Meteor Crater RV Park about lunchtime with the plan to head east and then north toward Chinle and the Navajo Lands - a fair drive of over 150 miles. 

Well the drive was fine. I find the RV a bit of tiresome machine to handle as its needs constant steering correction and getting up to normal cruising speed of 60 mph takes a fair while. However the brilliant wide vistas, dotted with mesas, buttes and spires under a clear blue sky on almost empty roads on the way kind of made up for it.

Wifey and Golden Child did not get to enjoy the scenery though. GC is still not quite right and her sleep is disturbed with productive coughing fits and now Wifey is not well either. She looks awful and is complaining of a sore throat and general aches and pains. They both slept for the majority of the journey.

Once at Chinle - the jumping off point for a trip to the fascinating Canyon de Chelly National Monument planned for the next day, it quickly became apparent that a night in an RV with no available electrical hook-up was not really what was needed and so I booked us into the local Holiday Inn for a night more conducive to rest and recuperation.

I would really like to do a tour of the Canyon but may need to spend time hunting out a doctor for some antibiotics if things continue to worsen!


  1. oh dear.....this is turning into a bit of a sick fest!! can you post us a piccie of Sue looking awful and i will tell you if I agree or not? ;-)
