
Tuesday 20 March 2012

Snowbound (almost)

Road Trip Day Four

Last night was a little dramatic as the fan/propane heater system decided to stop working and the temperature in the van got chilly very quickly. We had two thirds propane and were hooked up to the RV Park electric so couldn't figure it out. We then noticed the van supply 12 volt battery was dead so it looked like there was no 120 volts coming from the hook-up after all. I went over to the owners cabin at about 23.00 hrs through knee high snow and gave then a knock. 

The lady answered in her dressing gown. She said she would send her husband straight up and he duly arrived 15 mins later. He diagnosed the problem just as we realised one of the van trip switches had flipped, changing us back on to the battery from the mains supply without any warning. Problem sorted he cheerily bid us goodnight and we got the heater back on. GC slept through it all although started sleep-talking she was cold. We gave her an extra duvet and she settled down. She has no recall of the events today.
RV going nowhere!
Decided we were going nowhere when we looked outside this morning. The snow had continued to fall through the night and it was knee deep with bigger drifts in places. We had a relaxed breakfast and went out to have some snow fun. The RV Park manager (husband of last night) was clearing paths with a mini snowblower and we went snowballing and exploring. Wifey realised her artistic flair and made a snowangel and a snowman. Clever Mummy!

Snowclearing the American way!
On the kiddies slide

Aiming to get Dad with a snowball

Snowman (made by Mummy)

The snow stopped falling late morning and I enquired if it was possible to drive into Williams, the local town a few miles away. Duly informed the roads to there were now clear I also enquired if we could have a path ploughed for us so we could leave the RV Park. No problem at all. It was done within the hour so we un-hooked and drove into town for nice lunch, grocery supplies and petrol.

Williams is another Route 66 town and also a gateway to the Grand Canyon so is pretty used to seeing tourists. There weren't many round today but the towns people were going about their business without any seeming difficulty with the snow. Most of the sidewalks were cleared and there were all kinds of vehicles with big ploughs bolted to the front as well as the official snow ploughs. Snow does not stop everything for long unlike in the UK.

Williams Main Street with the last of the snow being cleared

Williams the day after the snowfall

1 comment:

  1. Always check the fuses so you don't look like an ass when you get the manager out of bed......never mind. Nice snowman though Sue!
